Ruqya Oil

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SunnahCure Ruqyah Oil – Special blend of Ruqya oils
Helps with various spiritual problems

Product description
The SunnahCure Ruqya Oil is a special mixture of different oils that have proven to be very successful in Ruqya therapy, and each ingredient has its own special feature.
This Ruqya Oil specially designed for Ruqya consists of a special mixture of Indian Costus (Quist al hindi), Black Seed (Habbatus Sauda), Sidr, Rue (Ruta graveolens), Lubaan (Gum Frankincense), Olive Oil and Misk.

Benefits of SunnahCure Ruqya Oil:
✔️ For the treatment of sleep disorders and nervous tension (spiritually caused)
✔️ For the treatment of spiritual pain
✔️ For treating ‘Ayn (Evil Eye)
✔️ To treat Hassad (envy)
✔️ For the treatment of mass (possession)
✔️ For treating Sihr (sorcery)
✔️ Can help with anxiety disorders (spiritually caused)
✔️ Can help with panic attacks (spiritually caused)
✔️ Can relieve Waswasa (suggestions)
✔️ Can help with depression (spiritually caused)
✔️ Can help to think more clearly (spiritually caused)
✔️ Can glad the heart (spiritually caused)
✔️ Can relieve anger/aggression (spiritually caused)

Rub SunnahCure Ruqya oil on the body, especially on the painful/affected areas.

– Suitable for external use only.

Scope of delivery
100ml SunnahCure Ruqya Oil (oil mixture) in a glass bottle

The information presented herein by SunnahCure is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by health professionals and is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
Product may differ from product image. Decoration is not part of the offer.

Benefits from Islamic sources
The Sunnah mentions the virtues of Indian Costus, as in a narration from al-Bukhary رحمه الله in his Sahih: “You should use Indian incense, for in it one finds cure for seven diseases. One can use it as nose drops when one has problems in the throat or taken for pleurisy in the side of the mouth.”
Abu Bakr ibn Arabi رحمه الله said: There are two types of costus: Indian costus (which is black) and sea costus (which is white). The Indian version is hotter and that is what we focus on because this form angers the Jinn.”
Al-Hafiz ibn Hajar رحمه الله said to the words: “There is cure in it for seven diseases.”
Ibn Hajar رحمه الله said: It may be that the seven refer to the various medical treatments of Costus as it is used as an ointment, as a drink, as a compress, as a hot compress, as an incense, as a nose drop or as a ludud (medicine, consumed at the corner of the mouth) is applied.”
Abu Huraira radiAllahu anhu reported that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Use this black cumin regularly because it is a cure for every disease except death.”
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Ibn al Qayyim al Jauziyyah رحمه الله wrote: “Regarding perfume, one of its special qualities is that angels like it and devils flee from it and good souls love good souls and bad souls love bad souls…”
(Zad al Ma’ad (Precautions for the Hereafter) on page 413)
Fragrances (perfumes) were particularly valued by the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wa Sallam and he never rejected a perfume, he said: “From this world, women and fragrances are dear to me.”
His favorite was SallAllahu alaihi wa Sallam Misk (musk). Regarding its fragrance during the state of ihraam, ‘isha radiAllahu anha narrated the following: “(It was like to me) as if I saw the splendor of the misk on the crown of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam when he was in the state of ihraam.”
Abu Sai’d Al-Khudri رحمه الله narrated that the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wa Sallam said: “The best kind of perfume is Musk.”
‘Aishah radiAllahu anh reported: “I anointed the Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam with perfumed musk before I came to Ihram on the Day of Sacrifice and before he made tawaf around the (holy) house.”
(Bukhari, Muslim)
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah رحمه الله wrote in his book Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wa Sallam: “Musk is the king of all perfumes, it has the best scent. Other types of perfume are usually compared to musk, but musk is never compared to them. The hills and sands of paradise are also made of musk.
Musk is a hot, dry second-degree substance that brings comfort and joy to the heart and strengthens the internal organs when drunk or smelled. Musk also bestows strength and well-being on the external organs when anointed with them. Musk is beneficial for old people and those who have excessive skin moisture, especially during winter, and also helps against fainting, tremors and general weakness in the body as it stimulates the body’s heat. Musk erases the white part in the eye and dries up excess moisture in it, and also helps with swelling in the various organs. Musk also acts as an antidote to some poisons and helps against a snake bite. There are many other benefits as well.”
Jalalu’d-Din Abd’ur-Rahman As-Suyuti رحيمه الله wrote in his book As-Suyuti’s Medicine of the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wa Sallam: “When women have finished their periods, they use musk to ward off the after-effects of the blood . It has been reported that the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wa Sallam asked about this perfume on Fridays; and he said it should be used after a hot water ghusl on Friday. There is an element in musk that purifies the essential composition of the air, especially in times of plague. It is halal to use musk as medicine.”
Shaykh Muhammad Salih al Munajjid said: “The question is that she recites Ruqyah (the Raqia) by reciting the Qur’an using blessed oil (olive oil) and Ajwah dates which are free from poison and sorcery by Allah’s permission protect, and the fragrance of rose water, which gives strength against sorcery (Sihr) and hate (destructive envy, ie Hassad); some of them also use Oudh and Bukhur (incense) to achieve the same purpose. All of these are things that are acceptable in Shariah in sha Allah.”
[Islamic Q&A fatwa 112216]

Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala swears:
وَٱلتِّينِ وَٱلزَّيۡتُونِ
“By the figs and the olives…”
(At Tin: 1)

Regarding the olive tree, the Quran says:
وشجرة تخرج من طور سينآء تنبت بٱلدهن وصبغ للڪڪلين
“And (WE caused therewith) a tree that sprout from Mount Tur of Sainaa (Sinai in Egypt), it brings forth the oil and sauce for those who eat.”
(Al Mu’minun: 20)

ٱلله نور ٱلسموٲت وٱلأرض مثل نوره كمشكوة فيہا مصباح ٱلمصباح فى زجاجة ٱلزجاجة كأنہا كوكب درى يوقد من شجرة مبرڪة زيتونة لا شرقية ولا غربية يكاد زيتہا يضىء ولو لم تمسسه نار نور على نور يہدى ٱلله لنوره من يشآء ويضرب ٱلله ٱلأمثل للناس وٱلله بكل شىء عليم
“Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. The likeness of his light is that of a niche in which is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as if it were a sparkling star. Their fuel comes from a blessed tree, an olive tree, neither east nor west, whose oil almost spread brightness even when the fire did not touch it. light over light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. Allah gives people parables, and Allah knows everything.”
It was narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Every kind of olive oil is for you, and to oil you with it…”
[Ibn al-Juzi]
Narrated Abu Hurayrah radiAllahu anhu: Eat olive oil and rub yourself with it; for verily it is of a blessed tree.”
[Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah]
Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says:
لفأعرضوا فأرسلنا عليہم سيل ٱلعرم وبدلنهم بجنتيہم جنتين ذواتى ڪڪل خمط وثثل وىءىء من سدر قليل
But they turned away (instead of showing gratitude). Then We sent the dam flood (sail al-`arim) upon them and exchanged them for their two (fertile) gardens two (others) in which there are (only) thornbush fruits (ukul khamt), tamarisk trees (athl) and there were a few cizyphus trees (sidr).
(Saba: 15-16)

وهو بٱلأفق ٱلأعلى (7) ثم دنا فتدلى (8) فكان قاب قوسين أو أدنى (9) فأوحى إلى عبده مآ أوحى (10) ما كذب ٱلفؤاد ما رأى (11) أفتمرونه على ما يرى (12) ولقد رءاه نزلة أخرى (13 ) عند سدرة ٱلمنتهى (14) عندها جنة ٱلمأوى (15) إذ يغغى ٱلسدرة ما يغغى (16) ما زاغ ٱلبصر وما طغى (17) لقد رىى من ءايت ربه ٱلكبرى (18)
and was at the highest level of vision.
Then he came nearer and descended,
so that he was (only) two arc lengths away or even nearer.
Then He entered into His servant (as a revelation) what He entered into.
What it saw did not lie to its heart.
Do you want to argue with him about what he sees?
And he saw it come down another time,
at the Sidr tree of the end goal,
where the garden is the refuge.
When what covered (it) covered the Sidr tree,
Verily, he saw the greatest of the signs of his Lord.
(To Najm: 7-18)

وأصحب ٱليمين مآ أصحب ٱليمين (27) فى سدر مخضود (28) وطلح منضود (29) وظل ممدود (30) ومآء مسكوب (31) وفكهة كثيرة (32) لا مقطوعة ولا ممنوعة (33)
And the Companions on the right – what are the Companions on the right?
(They are) among thornless Sidr trees
and densely layered mimosa
and elongated shadow,
(at) pouring water,
(with) many fruits,
which are neither interrupted nor denied,
(Waqiah: 27-33)

© Copyright by SunnahCure – Texts can be shared with information from the author (SunnahCure), but not copied or reproduced for your own purposes

1 review for Ruqya Oil

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Sina K (verified owner)

    I am delighted to have received a high end quality oil product from a special brand. It’s a perfect gift. What a lovely shop.

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