Senna Tea

How to use Senna tea bags

For eaten Sihr

You need:

– 1 SunnahCure Senna tea bag

– 1 Ruqyah sheet (Ayat against Sihr or Ayat against Zina-/Lovejinn or Complete Qur’an)

– 500ml spring water


1. Prepare 500ml of Ruqyah water by either preparing this with the SunnahCure Ruqyah sheets or reading it yourself (see below).

Put the Ruqyah sheet in 5-25 litres of water for 10-15 minutes. If you use several sheets, please use each sheet separately, otherwise they will stick together. The writing should have come off the sheet after these 10-15 minutes. If this is not the case, lightly stroke the leaf with your hand until the writing has completely disappeared. Now you can take the leaf out of the water and have ready-made ruqyah water.

2. Pour 500ml of hot ruqyah water (not boiling) over 1 SunnahCure senna tea bag and cover the container for 10 minutes to prevent the important vapours from escaping.

3. When it has cooled down a little, drink it all in the morning on an empty stomach. Do not drink or eat anything for at least 30 min afterwards.

Do this for 7 days.

If there are still problems, please repeat 1 month later. After that, this therapy should only be repeated after 3 months, otherwise the body will be too stressed due to the loss of fluids.

Note: As Senna is a laxative, one usually gets diarrhoea. Pain, on the other hand, indicates that Sihr has been eaten or the senna was overdosed.

The water should at best contain all the ayat against sihr, but at least the following suwar/ayat:

  • 7x Al Fatiha
  • 7x Ayatul Kursi
  • 7x Araf:117-122
  • 7x Yunus: 81-82
  • 7x Taha:68-70
  • 7x Al Ikhlas
  • 7x Al Falaq
  • 7x An Nas

Application as detoxification / purification / cleansing of the intestine

You need:

– 1 SunnahCure Senna tea bag

– 500ml spring water

– 1 Ruqyah sheet (Shifa Ayat or Complete Qur’an), if applicable


1. Prepare 500ml of Ruqyah water by either preparing this with the SunnahCure Ruqyah sheets or reading it yourself.

Put the Ruqyah sheet in 5-25 litres of water for 10-15 minutes. If you use several sheets, please use each sheet separately, otherwise they will stick together. The writing should have come off the sheet after these 10-15 minutes. If this is not the case, lightly stroke the leaf with your hand until the writing has completely disappeared. Now you can take the leaf out of the water and have ready-made ruqyah water.

2. Pour 500ml of hot ruqyah water (not boiling) over 1 SunnahCure Senna tea bag and cover the container for 10 minutes to prevent the important vapours from escaping.

3. When it has cooled down a little, drink it all in the morning on an empty stomach. Do not drink or eat anything for at least 30 min afterwards.

Do this for 7 days.

If there are still problems, please repeat 1 month later. After that, this therapy should only be repeated after 3 months, otherwise the body will be too stressed due to the loss of fluids.

Note: As Senna is a laxative, one usually gets diarrhoea. Pain, on the other hand, indicates that Sihr has been eaten or the senna was overdosed.

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