Some time ago I met a family with 2 disabled children who had lost the ability to speak and walk for some time for unexplained reasons. No one knew why this was, there was no medical explanation. No doctor, professor or clinic knew the reason. Therefore, the children’s parents decided to find the cure in the Ruqyah and visited some Imams, who, however, turned out to be sorcerers afterwards and made everything worse. They heard of a good Hoca (Imam) from Turkey who was said to restore sight even to the blind and enable the walking-impaired to walk. So, without further ado, the parents set off with their children in search of this Raqi. They found him and asked him for help, he agreed. They told him about their suffering and after taking a good look at the children, he asked them to bring him 12 special fish. They were a little surprised but asked him, “Where do we get these fish?”, he replied that there was a fish shop nearby and they must buy them there. Unfortunately, the family did not know their way around the Ruqyah to sound the alarm bells at this point at the latest. On the contrary, they fulfilled his wish. He cut open each fish, read Qur’anic verses and incomprehensible words on it, smeared the blood on the children and placed a fish on each of the children’s legs, which he then fastened with a bandage. He ordered the children to wear these fish bandages for 1 week, after which he must perform the same process with more fish. After this event, the parents found out that this Hoca is the owner of the fish shop and that is how he earns his money and never went there again alhamduliLLAH.
?My Nasiha?: Please inform yourselves thoroughly about the characteristics of a Sahir (sorcerer), because many Saharat (plural of sorcerer) pretend to be Imam or Hoca and are also recognised that way and play their evil deceitful game with gullible people who are looking for help. May Allah preserve us all and heal all the sick!
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