The World of the Jinn

May one enter into a relationship with a Jinn or seek contact with them?

2) May one enter into a relationship with a Jinn or seek contact with them?

(( بسم لله الرحمن الرحيم )) الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا ثُمَ أما بعد:Quran HealingPart (2) الاستعانة بالجن مباح اختلف فيها أهل العلم والراجح منعه، والله تعالى أعلم.Scholars differ on the question of whether it is permissible to seek contact or establish a

2) May one enter into a relationship with a Jinn or seek contact with them? Read More »

Can the Jinn kill or physically harm humans

🧞 Can the Jinn kill or physically harm humans? 🧞

Shaykh Uthaymin (rahimuLLAH) was asked:“Do the Jinn have any influence on people? How can one protect oneself from this?” He replied, “Undoubtedly, the Jinn can harm people. This can even come to murder and it is also possible for them to throw stones at you and frighten you in various ways, which has been authentically

🧞 Can the Jinn kill or physically harm humans? 🧞 Read More »


📚 Sleep paralysis from the Jinn? 🧞

Sleep paralysis refers to a state between wakefulness and sleep in which the person affected cannot move, cannot speak, has the feeling of being squeezed and sees everything happening. Only gradually does he regain power over his tongue and body. This condition is called “Al-Jatoum” in Arabic. The cause has 2 reasons:1.) From food, medicines

📚 Sleep paralysis from the Jinn? 🧞 Read More »

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